Flight of the Maxi Pad

September 17, 2008 at 7:50 pm (Uncategorized) (, )

While leaving work yesterday in a comatosed state from the endless phone calls we’ve been receiving, I noticed the most bizarre and disgusting thing as I was headed out to meet Hubby and head home. As I neared the security doors that lead to lobby, I noticed that someone had lost a feminine product.  No… it had not fallen out of there purse still nicely wrapped.  Apparently, it some how escaped her undies to slip either from a skirt or perhaps slithered down her pants leg to the floor, but as I came to the door, there it was, 1large, white maxi with wings just lay there.

I was completely stunned to say the least.  I couldn’t help but think, “Oh my God!!”.  How did this get here?” I am a woman.  I have been getting my visitor for about twenty years now, and in all that time I have never used a product in way that would lead to it abandoning ship.  And how could the person not notice that she lost it?  Is that possible?  I mean did she get home yesterday and think “oh my, where could that have gotten to?”  You would have to be completely numb in your nether regions to not realise that your personal hygene product is escaping your panties. 

I quickly side stepped the item and headed out the doors.  As I jumped in the car, I immediately told Hubby of my encounter.  His reply was of course, “you definitely need to blog that”.


  1. SueBoo said,

    OMG that is so disgusting!! I wonder if anyone witnessed the “escape of the maxi”. HAHAHA!!

  2. LeBlanc said,

    I wish that I could have seen the face of the woman as it slithered down her leg. lol

  3. Cluttered Brain said,

    I wondered the same thing Sue Boo. I only hope that anyone coming up behind me didn’t think it was mine.

    I’m sure whoever it was had a look of panic in her eyes as she realised what was taking place, LeBlanc.

  4. Lynnster said,

    LOL! Well, I can definitely say that’s something that (thank goodness) never happened to me! Yikes!

    Now, panties stuck on the bottom of my jeans thanks to static cling from out of the dryer and discovering it during homeroom in high school on a couple of occasions – yes. heh.

  5. An Absorbing Trip To The Doctor « A Natural Deficiency Of Moral Fiber said,

    […] I can only picture it slipping out of the bottom of some poor woman’s pant leg. I am reminded of this story by my wife. It is becoming an epidemic or […]

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